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 Designables Roses clearance

Designables Roses clearance

Ref: DS0909

Size: 110 x 147mm

Designables are folders for embossing and cutting paper. The design will be embossed into the paper and the indicated parts will be cut out.

50% OFF selected Marianne Design products (please note discount shown at checkout)

50% OFF  Marianne Design - Designables Anjas Stars

50% OFF Marianne Design - Designables Anjas Stars

Ref: DS0914

Size: 110 x 147mm

Designables are folders for embossing and cutting paper. The design will be embossed into the paper and the indicated parts will be cut out.

50% OFF selected Marianne Design products (please note discount shown at checkout)

This catalog is reserved for registered customers only. Please contact us to register.

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