Mery's Stencil DS4
Ref: MERY001
Instructions: Cut the large template from light-coloured cardf along the inner and outer edges. Emboss the motifs onto the border and/or small parts. Score lines and fold the small parts. Cut the medium and small templates from a larger piece of card in a different colour. Cut, emboss and fold the small parts. Stick the three parts together. Place the large template onto card/printed paper and cut out the centre. Pierce the holes and embroider the pattern. Glue the borders under the aperture. Trim the layers of the other card colours, leaving a narrow border.
Total Price:

Mery's Stencil DS4
Ref: MERY003
Instructions: Cut the large template from light-coloured cardf along the inner and outer edges. Emboss the motifs onto the border and/or small parts. Score lines and fold the small parts. Cut the medium and small templates from a larger piece of card in a different colour. Cut, emboss and fold the small parts. Stick the three parts together. Place the large template onto card/printed paper and cut out the centre. Pierce the holes and embroider the pattern. Glue the borders under the aperture. Trim the layers of the other card colours, leaving a narrow border.
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